Wren, Sparrow, Pied Flycatcher Acrylic Original " Nesting Threes "

Framed size 21" x 9", with non reflective glass.  A Wren, Sparrow and Pied Flycatcher each on their nesting box.  The painting is on Cold Press, extra heavy, off white Crescent art board and I aim to produce the finest detail in both the subject and its natural setting.  The shade of the Daler mount ...Read more
£ 180.00 each

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Framed size 21" x 9", with non reflective glass.  A Wren, Sparrow and Pied Flycatcher each on their nesting box.  The painting is on Cold Press, extra heavy, off white Crescent art board and I aim to produce the finest detail in both the subject and its natural setting.  The shade of the Daler mountboard is carefully selected depending on the painting, as is the toning of the frame itself. 

The tiny Wren and delightfully busy Sparrow are well described elsewhere on my site, the Pied Flycatcher less so.  A small, flycatching bird, slightly smaller than house sparrows. The male is mostly black on the upperparts and white underneath, with a bold white patch underneath. Females are browner.  Read more.......RSPB Pied Flycatcher

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